Monday, August 09, 2010

Happy Birthday, Singapore

Just heard Kit Chan's Home on the NDP on TV moments ago, and it did bring back memories of me hearing it when overseas and how it made me homesick. I wonder - do we need to be away from Singapore to miss or appreciate our home?

Was reading "National Day must remain a day of pride" on The Online Citizen

I think that sometimes we accuse the government of mixing the state with the PAP, but some of us are guilty of the same by linking the dislike for PAP to the dislike of all things Singaporean.

If we do not have any pride in our country, if we do not have any pride in being a Singaporean, then we have given up completely, and do not have any will to work to improve our nation and our lot in it.

Stand tall, fellow Singaporeans! On this day of all days, let us all wish our country a Happy Birthday!

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