Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Just posted a comment at :

The author wrote of his visit to the City Harvest Church, where he was overwhelmed by the sound and fury while being somewhat less than impressed about the substance and the soul of the Church.

A particularly memorable bit from the article was the part where the author recounts

"...this example Rev. Kong Hee gives, this businessman wants to build a super stadium dedicated to God in the middle of urban Jakarta. He owns a field with tons of coal underneath but the price of coal is so low it's not worthwhile to mine it and make money.

So how? (This is where Rev. Kong Hee sounds really excited) God answers this guy's prayers. Hundreds of miners in China die in multiple mining accidents forcing all the mines in the country to close. The price of coal goes up, giving the guy a profit margin to mine his coal! Hallejulah!"

His comments section soon received several visits from supporters of the church, who then criticised him for a variety of failings...

My earlier comment on the article :

I thought that this was a pretty well written article. It sums up what the critics of CHC feel is amiss in the manner which Pastor Kong is running his show, and it does so in a witty manner - perhaps not so funny to the CHC hardcores, but I would guess that others might be more amused.

Simply put, Rev Kong seems to be putting too much emphasis on growing the material aspect of the church. This materialism is felt from the moment you enter to church; to the manner they solicit money.

CHC is extravagant - there is no doubt about it. And while the contributors were willing, there remains stories of how the peer pressure within the CHC works when one does not tithe regularly, or when one does not contribution much in their fundraising.

I personally knew of parents who lamented about their children not giving them and their family what they give monthly to the church. I feel that something is very wrong when money for the family, money for the parents who raised you, is put on a lower priority than contributions to fuel the extravagant visions of a CEO-Pastor.

I feel that CHC have degenerated from a house of God, to become a corporation driven endlessly to expand and make more profits. I feel that they prey excessively upon the youthful and impressionable. I feel that CHC and Pastor Kong are in dire need for a dose of humility, and I pray that he gets back to the ground before he leads his enthralled congregation astray.
I think that it is way more insensitive to refer to the deaths of hundreds of miners as a God-given miracle to help increase the price of coal, as compared to the remark you mentioned.

The barb of the remark was directed at the allegation that Christ was very well connected - not just popular amongst the townsfolk but well-linked to businesses and political leaders (according to Pastor Kong's Market Theory). Yet He was crucified soon after - something thats quite contradictory.

The pastor reaches out to far more people than the typical teacher : thousands, tens of thousands in fact. He should pay even more care to the words he used - his words and his influence on his congregation have a far wider impact on religious harmony in Singapore than any single teacher out there.

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